Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Hello! Wow, I cannot believe the first week of March is already nearly over! How fast is this year going so far?

I wanted to share a couple of current things in my life, or upcoming things I'm excited about!

1. Firstly and most importantly, I got a new camera! I got this gorgeous white Sony a6000 and it is amazing. I am still a total amateur when it comes to photography, so I can't wait to learn all I can on such an awesome camera. I have only had a little play with it and I haven't tapped into its true potential yet, and I'm already in love with it. After doing a tonne of research into cameras and liking this one, I was so excited to see that it came in white, I just had to get it. I was totally happy to spend more money to have the white one. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

2. I was really excited to read that Adore Home Magazine are releasing another print edition! The last one was so beautiful, I love it. This one is called the Paradise Edition, and they are running a Pozible campaign to raise money for printing costs. Head over here to pre-order!

3. I bought a small string of pearls plant a little while ago, and it's growing well! They are such interesting and pretty plants. I just need to find a really nice hanging pot for it. Once it gets settled it'll be pretty hard to move around, so I need the perfect pot! I'm actually considering making one. If you have any DIY hanging pot tutorials to recommend, let me know!

4. This is a bit of a strange one. I just got a pair of Timberland boots! They arrived this morning, and I'm pretty excited. I just wanted a comfy boot for travelling, walking, hiking, that also looked nice to me. When I'm in Japan later this month, I think they'll be great to wear all day walking around and exploring (with their anti-fatigue technology and waterproof exterior... God I sound like an ad!) and then will look fine to wear to a restaurant or out for drinks etc at night (let's face it a lot of hiking shoes are really, really hideous, although I'm sure they are very comfortable and perfect for hiking). My brother has already teased me about them, calling me Kanye - I guess I kind of didn't know there was a stereotype surrounding these boots? Anyway, I'm a fan. And I'm not a rapper in case you were wondering.

I have lots and lots of ideas and projects I can't wait to share with you guys... Hope everyone is enjoying March so far!

Nina xo


  1. Is Sony a6000 a mirrorless camera. I have heard a lot about this and I am considering buying it. I prefer mirrorless camera because i don't want to carry heavy dslr camera.

    1. Yes the Sony a6000 is mirrorless, which makes it much less heavy than a dslr :) I really recommend it! But if you want something really light and small, there are great compact cameras too. I would recommend going to where you can read reviews and compare cameras side by side. Hope you find a great camera! :D

  2. I'm a photography lover, but I think I never tried any Sony camera. Yours seems pretty great and I hope you will have a lot of fun with it! I can't wait to see some of the results - will you post them on here?

    Ellie from

    1. Hey Ellie! I hadn't tried a Sony camera before either, but it had such great reviews and specs I thought it was a good choice. I will definitely be posting the results here, and I hope I can get better at photography as I go along haha. :)
